0414 342 684 | 0757 211 737 | info@greenhillacademy.ac.ug

Tobias Mugume
Today, we join the rest of the world to celebrate the voices of teachers who are strongly committed to nurturing young minds & guiding students towards a brighter future, one lesson at a time.
Greenhill Schools joins the country and the rest of the world to wish Uganda a Happy 61st Independence.
The Prize Awards event recognizes students who have excelled in different activities in and out of the classroom. The most prestigious of these awards are the "Student of the Year", "Academician of th...
It's not just the start of a new week; it's the beginning of an exciting new school term 3, 2023. It’s an exciting day as we receive our students after the school holiday. We look forward to welcoming...
We are thrilled to announce the champion, as declared by the debate adjudicator, Ms. Nakigudde Maria Speria, with a decisive 8:3 split verdict: Its Greenhill Academy. Congratulations. Greenhill Academ...
Greetings. Click on the links below to download the respective newsletters Pre School Buwaate Pre-School Kibuli P.1 - P.7 Buwaate P.1 - P.7 Kibuli
We continue to celebrate success at Greenhill Primary School, Buwaate! The Enjuba Spelling Bee Competitions - Wakiso district were concluded and we are thrilled to announce that our school emerged as...
We are bursting with pride as our talented pupils came on top as CHAMPIONS, yet again! The Uganda Mathematics Society organises a number of activities to promote and popularize Mathematics as a subjec...
"Little Feet, Big Dreams!" We witnessed our young champions participate in thrilling races at Sports Day! 6 house colours participated in a number of races as they competed for the winning spot. The d...
Sports day at Greenhill Primary School Buwaate is off to a great start as house colors make their way to the sports field. We are feeling the excitement already and we love it. We played the "Taxi Rac...
Mid term 2, 2023 assessments have been done and completed. We congratulate the students for the success attained in the mid term assessments. We encourage those that did not perform to the required ex...
Congratulations to our Secondary School DebateClub for their outstanding win in the recent Uganda National Students Association Kampala-Wakiso Debate Championship 2023. Your ability to articulate comp...

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Contact Us

Primary/Secondary School, Kibuli
Mbogo Road,
Kibuli, Kampala,
P.o.Box 7490, Kampala,

Primary School, Buwaate
Kira - Kasangati,

