In any developing society, innovation and technology are key factors. In order to promote gender equality, we need to embrace innovation and technology.

What is Innovation?

Innovation is the introduction of new things, ideas, or ways of doing something that has been discovered or introduced. e.g. modern WIFI, space exploration, computer programming, modern home security system, CCTV and coding.

What is Technology?

Technology is the scientific knowledge used in practical ways e.g. in industries and in designing new machines that improve communication.

Gender means the fact of being male or female while equality refers to the fact of being equal in rights, advantages and opportunities.

Since women are the mothers of nations world over, as we celebrate this year’s women’s Day, there is need to empower them. This can be done through different ways that benefit girls and women which result into gender equality. Among the ways include the following:

To make everyone aware of gender equality so that women’s and men’s concerns are equally handled.

To have more women in leadership and decision making so as to care and distribute resources that aim at a gender equal and sustainable future.

To have access to the internet and own digital devices e.g. phones, laptops and computers to increase employment opportunities and knowledge. Women get income to educate the young generation and are in position to meet payments regarding health challenges.

In this regard, technology helps to improve communication with people all over the world through different social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, to mention but a few. People also communicate through email and instant messages. This strengthens relationships among relatives, friends and colleagues thus promoting gender equality.

It also helps in shaving ideas beyond our immediate circles; so we know what happens elsewhere as far as gender equality in concerned. We also use it to exercise our rights as woman by offering us new opportunities to build connections that help us to emphasize gender equality.

In conclusion we should embrace innovation and technology for gender equality.

God bless us all as we celebrate this year’s women’s Day. For God and my country.             

 Extend Your Horizons.