The old adage, all work without play makes Jack a dull boy, is a guiding principle in the academy as relates to sports. As such, sports is one of the crucial co-curricular activities in the school. The academy offers a variety of sport activities from mental to physical.

For instance, chess, scrabble, football, swimming, badminton, cricket, volleyball and basketball. It is a requirement for a student to participate in at least one.

Swimming in the academy is a main sport. It is taught at least once a week in every class in both the secondary and primary section. Swimming galas are held internally, at least once a year in addition to numerous external competitions that the school team participates in. The internal swimming gala is normally an inter-house competition which is usually stiff. The winning house always walk away with a prize.

The school has a rugby team that actively participates in the inter-school rugby competitions. Their Haka dance is always intimidating. Occasionally, inter-class rugby matches are held on weekends and on public holidays. These are usually very intense competitions.

Football matches, just like the rugby matches are also held on weekends and public holidays. Inter-class leagues are organized and runs through the year. The winning class always take away a prize. The rest of the sports, for example, badminton and chess, are usually played by the students in the evening for leisure, fun and to prevent idleness.

Through these different sports played, students win medals, trophies and certificates; and also have the opportunity to showcase their skills both nationally and internationally.

The sporting journey starts here!