0414 342 684 | 0757 211 737 | info@greenhillacademy.ac.ug

Student Writer
Culture plays an important role in our communities. It provides us with a sense of identity and as an academy, the diversity is celebrated in the most colourful way.
The school assembly is one of the most exciting items in the Academy’s curriculum. It is one event that every year group looks forward to.
14th April, 2022, was a very hot and auspicious morning that found all the lads and damsels preening themselves for the prom of their lives. It was the senior prom. The Twilight Saga,
We stuck our markers into the day’s eager earth. It was 07:00am in the morning of the last Monday of May, and the sky was an endless frosted glass above the scene. It was the inaugural ceremony for th...
The old adage, all work without play makes Jack a dull boy , is a guiding principle in the academy as relates to sports. As such, sports is one of the crucial co-curricular activities in the school. T...

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Primary/Secondary School, Kibuli
Mbogo Road,
Kibuli, Kampala,
P.o.Box 7490, Kampala,

Primary School, Buwaate
Kira - Kasangati,

