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- Thomas Bwijje By
On Sunday 13th October 2019, the Greenhill Primary School, Buwaate campus dedicated its P.7 candidates to God.
The Dedication Service at the school’s campus in Buwaate was presided over by Bishop Dr. Edward Muhima (retired Bishop of North Kigezi) who was the main celebrant. Under the theme; “Everyone born of God overcomes the world (1st John 5:4)”, Bishop Muhima urged all Ugandans to return to God if they want their country to change.
Citing massive corruption and widespread domestic violence and other vices like murders, Bishop Muhima said, “Uganda whose motto and national anthem are premised on God’s word needs to return to God”. After this moving sermon, the Bishop went ahead to dedicate the 111 candidates to God and prayed for them to grow and turn into responsible citizens of integrity.
The lively service was led by the school’s staff choir; fluent Bible readings from Antonia Barungi and Joel Elepu. Joseph Nsereko the former Head Prefect of the school, delivered a memorable speech on behalf of the candidates highlighting their journey from the time they embarked on their primary school journey to date. The special presentations from the candidates could not also be forgotten as they showcased the candidates’ impeccable singing and dancing skills.
The service was concluded by a speech from the Rector of the school Mrs. J.V Maraka who thanked the parents for supporting the candidates for the last 7 years and the Buwaate campus staff for doing a great job as far as preparing the pupils to face their final exams.
The P.7 Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) will be written next month, with candidates briefing taking place on Friday 1st November 2019. Candidates will then sit for Mathematics and Science on Monday 4th November and; English and SST on Tuesday 5th November 2019.
JAVIRA SSEBWAMI | PML Daily Staff Writer

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- Thomas Bwijje By
Every year, the Greenhill Academy Secondary students that have excelled in both academic and non- academic aspects are awarded during the ‘Annual Prize Award Ceremony’. The categories awarded include; outstanding students in games such as, swimming, rugby, football to mention but a few; outstanding performing artist; most supportive student and parent, most academically improved student; sports personality of the year; mathematician of the year; academician of the year; Greenhill student of the year; Ubuntu award winner to mention but a few.
This year’s prize award held on the 30th of September 2019 themed, ‘Excellence is not a skill, it is an Attitude’ had, Hon. Chris Baryomunsi, the State Minister for Housing-Government of Uganda as the Guest of Honor. Introduced by the Rector, Mrs. Joy Veronica Maraka, the Guest of Honor thanked all the parents who were in attendance during the ceremony; urged the awardees of the ceremony to treasure their awards and certificates as these distinguish them from their peers and can be of great importance in their future and; encouraged the other students who had not been awarded to aim to be awarded during the next prize award ceremony.
During this year’s ceremony, the most supportive parent, Mrs. Linda Ochieng was recognized and, the students who won the most prestigious awards of the day who were; Karla J. Mugisha (S.1) who scooped the Sports Personality of the Year for steadily managing to balance her academics with sports and leading the school to victory in various swimming competitions; Kyabaggu Mark (S.6) who emerged the Mathematician of the year; Chris Gregory (S.6) who won the Student of the year award for depicting the all-round and responsible student Greenhill seeks to groom; Taremwa Ezra Stone (S.6) who won the Ubuntu award for his humanity, humility, pro-activeness, helping hand, responsibility to mention but a few aspects he possesses and; Vekariya Shubham(S.4) who scooped the Academician of the year award for consistently performing highly.
We congratulate all the awardees. Below is a full list of the winners of this year’s Secondary School prize award ceremony.
Year Group Positive Influence Abbas Alfonse S.4B
Moun Mariano David S.4B
Moses Ahmed Omer S.4B Akwiine Samantha S.4B
Key Board Players Cephus Diggs S.3B
Kyabaggu Mark S.6 SCIENCE
Debate at National level Mayeku Richard S.6 LIT/DIV
Kakembo Monica S.6 LIT/DIV
Karungi Moreece Onama S.6 SCIENCE
Masaba Brionny S.6 LIT/DIV
Presenting unique contemporary pieces of poetry. Muyeti Jonathan S.6 LIT/DIV
Active Participation in the Ugandan National Swimming team (East African Secondary Schools games; Arusha, Tanzania-2019) Chris Gregory S.6 SCIENCE
Ssemaganda Sasha S.5 LIT/DIV
Kimuli Trevor S.5 LIT/DIV
Ampaire Namanya S.3R
Daudi Ochieng S.3R
Ahimbisibwe Daniel S.3R
Mulumba Micheal Hall S.3B Tendo Mariam S.6 LIT/DIV
Kwagala Nicole S.5 MATH/GEOG
Awori Natasha S.5 MATH/GEOG
Atoo Esther S.2B
Kakembo Victoria S.3B
Karla Mugisha S.1B
2 Best Male Swimmer of the Year
Best Female Swimmer of the Year Chris Gregory S.6 SCIENCE
Tendo Mariam S.6 LIT/DIV
Best Basketball Player of the year Solomon Forh S.3B
Best Rugby Player of the year Ladu Wani S.6MATH/GEOG
Best Football Player of the year Ahari Dennis S.4R
3. Sports Male Personality of the year
Sports Female Personality of the year Daudi Ochieng S.3B
Mugisha Karla S.1B
4. Outstanding Performing Artist of the year Mpanda Samuel S.4B
5. Outstanding School Envoy/ Marketer of the year Karla Mugisha S.1B
6. Neatest ‘O’ Level Male Student of the year
Neatest ‘O’ Level Female Student of the year Ahimbisibwe Daniel S.3R
Kizito Chelsey Charlene S.4B
7. Neatest ‘A’ Level Male Student of the year
Neatest ‘A’ Level Female Student of the year Mashandich Trevor S.5 SCIENCE
Elizabeth Baryomunsi S.5 LIT/DIV
8. Most Adjusted Foreign Student of the year Jane Zhao S.3B
9. Ardent Student For All School Programs Taremwa Ezra S.6 LIT/DIV
10 Library Award
Best Library User ‘O’ Level.
Best Library User ‘A’ Level.
Baliyo Nicholas S.6 LIT/DIV
Arach Esperanza Lomana S.4B
11 Ardent Reader Of The Year Deng Ageer Moses Makur 2R
12 Outstanding Club Member of the year Keza Christabell S.3B
13 Outstanding Public Speaker of the year Mayeku Richard S.6 LIT/DIV
14 Outstanding Assembly Presenter of the year Hamisa Faruki S.5 SCIENCE
15 Most Persevering Student of the year Namiiro Lynn 4R
16 Fine Artist of the Year. Simon Bigoa S.4B
17 Outstanding Socially Responsible personality of the year Ingima Sandra S.6 LIT/DIV
18 Most Disciplined Student of the Year. Makana Makuda S.6 SCIENCE
19 Most Supportive Student of the year Ronnie Ninziza S.5 MATH/GEOG
20 Most Supportive Parent of the year Mrs. Linda Ochieng
21 Student Leader of the year Swatang George 6G/M
22 Most Academically Improved Students.
‘O’ Level
‘A’ Level
Nyang Andrew S.5 SCIENCE
Nyanjuba Gatwech Gang S.3R
23 Academicians For Each Year Group.
Senior One
Senior Two
Senior Three
Senior Four
Senior Five
Senior Six
S.4-Shubham Vekariya
S.5-Kavuma Jeremiah
S.6- Nicholas Baliyo
S.1-Rawat Batul
S.2-Mary Kellis Mugisha
S.3- Vekariya Avanti
24 Outstanding Sports Personality of the year Karla Mugisha S.1B
25 Mathematician of the Year. Kyabaggu Mark S.6 SCIENCE
26 Academician of the Year Shubham Vekariya S.4B
27 Student of the Year. Chris Gregory S.6 SCIENCE
28 Ubuntu Student of the year Taremwa Ezra S.6 LIT/DIV
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“Everyone Born Of God Overcomes the World”
On Sunday, 06th October 2019, Greenhill Academy Kibuli held the 15th annual dedication service for; primary seven, senior four and senior six candidates based on the theme “Everyone Born of God Overcomes the World” taken from 1 John 5:4. In Greenhill Academy, the candidates’ dedication service is one of the most attended services where all the stalk holders come in large numbers to pray for the candidates. Reverend Alex Abraham Bwambale, the Provincial Youth and Student Coordinator was the main celebrant. Being a youth and student coordinator as well as, a gospel singer, Reverend Alex could only be the best celebrant for the day.
The Secondary section was in the pole position of bringing together this year's dedication service and started making preparations in June. The staff choir led the worshipers during the service and their melodious voice as described by the Rev. Alex was a remarkable moment in the service. Generally, this dedication service was a palpable miracle as parents emanated in big numbers, a thing I have never seen before, the students were very decent and disciplined and they ministered in speech, songs and Bible reading and; the rain clenched its peace and gave us the best weather we needed for the service. During the dedication of the candidates, Reverend Alex Abraham Bwambale prophetically dedicated the candidates; Primary seven were prophetically dedicated and the word was from Deuteronomy 20, senior four with the words from Psalm 20 and senior Six with the words from Psalm 91.
For some, a dedication service for candidates is a customary school function or a usual itinerary that must happen annually. However, in Greenhill Academy, it is a moment where all-inclusive stakeholders come together to commit the candidates into God’s hand and believe Him for excellent grades in the national examinations. This is in line with the Greenhill Core values where God is put first in everything. For this reason, prior preparations, prayer, innovation and excellence is supreme to realize the event's success.
This year, we have the understanding that being children born of God, we shall overcome every battle and challenge. We also understand that after all the efforts that the teachers, parents and the candidates have put in to get excellent grades; God is the only one that has the final say, for He alone gives wisdom when we ask of Him (James 1:5). The dedication service also gives the candidates the confidence and the blessed assurance that with God all things are possible hence, there is no room to give up.
Mr. Simon Eboku
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- Tobias Mugume By
The teachers’ assembly held on 23rd September 2019 was a hugely ambitious, stunning, over-the-top presentation and I loved it.
It was sparked off by a very powerful, heart-warming prayer by Mr. Musote Richard. Shortly after, a shuddering praise and worship session had everybody bedazzled off their feet and shouting at the top of their voices for the Lord. The heartfelt presence of the Holy Spirit soothed the atmosphere even more.
One of the accessories to this wonderful assembly was the well-trained presenters who exhibited their unmatched talents through singing and the exquisite dance choreographies. Notably, among the outstanding presenters were Ms. Kisakye Winfred and Mr. Miiro Henry as lead singers; Mr. Amayo Ronald who gave a powerful general prayer and Mr. Kamengo Wilberforce who summed the exciting assembly up with a riveting dance full of juvenescence.
The climax of the assembly was the performances that blew the minds of the entire crowd. The general song was beautifully presented in the various angelic voices and so was the age-old gold, Lingala dance which was a sight to marvel at by the millennials in the audience.
Amidst all this overwhelming experience, the teachers were smartly dressed in dazzling turquoise and peach dresses for the females and white shirts for the males. The ability of the teachers to display the theme of the week was encouraging and educative.
Overall, this was indeed a befitting beginning for the week’s theme: “Be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kind-hearted and humble in spirit!” What more could start a school term other than that?
Have a great term, May God bless you!
S.4 BLUE, 2019.
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- Tobias Mugume By
The Buwaate Teachers' Assembly was followed by yet another exciting assembly from the Greenhill Academy Primary Kibuli Teachers on Friday 20th September 2019.
The teachers who chose the theme, 'TEAMWORK' for the assembly, showcased the value of team work through the various presentations they prepared.
This assembly was one of a kind as the male teachers led the audience into an exciting praise and worship session with voices that amazed the pupils at the talents their teachers have.
The various presentations that followed which included a speech about teamwork, creative dances, the traditional kadodi dance and a skit all portrayed the important message that, ‘When we are one we achieve more’.
The assembly was closed with a speech from the school’s rector, Mrs. Joy Veronica Maraka who commended the teachers for their creativity.
To our dear teachers; we would like to thank you for showing the pupils the value of working together. We believe your message will forever be imprinted on their hearts.
Keep Extending Your Horizons.

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- Thomas Bwijje By
On the 19th of September 2019, the Greenhill Primary School Buwaate Teachers welcomed back their pupils in style with a jam-packed assembly themed, ‘GOD FIGHTS MY BATTLES'.
During this exciting assembly, the teachers showcased their music, dance and drama skills through various entertaining presentations.
The assembly was opened up with an uplifting Praise, Worship, Bible reading session and moving prayers followed by a couple of interesting creative dances. The teachers also showcased their amazing drama skills in a captivating skit teaching their audience about the importance of seeking God whenever one is faced with trials.
At Greenhill Academy, we take pride in who we are and it’s no wonder that the most exciting item of the assembly was the Gisu ‘Kadodi’ dance that amazed the pupils as they excitedly watched their teachers rhythmically move their waists.
The assembly was concluded by a speech from the Head of School and the Rector, Mrs. Joy Veronica Maraka who thanked the teachers for having outdone themselves and indeed setting the pace for the upcoming assemblies of the term.
To our teachers, thank you for the beautiful assembly.
Keep Extending your Horizons.

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- Tobias Mugume By
Are you looking for a school that will expose your child to an excellent holistic education? Greenhill Academy is the place for you!
We are now receiving applications for:
The Nursery section at our Kibuli Campus,
Classes Nursery, Pre-primary, and P.1 – P.6 at our Primary Buwaate Campus,
Classes S.2 and S.3 and; early registration for classes S.1 and S.5 at our Secondary School Campus, Kibuli
To apply, simply Click Here and fill in an application form or visit any of our campuses where you will be assisted. The interaction and interview dates in each of the different campuses are as follows:
- Nursery, Kibuli Campus – 12th October 2019, 8.00am-1.00pm
- Primary, Buwaate Campus – 26th October 2019, 8.00am-1.00pm
- Secondary section, Kibuli Campus (S.2 and S.3 Classes) – 11th - 13th December 2019, 8.00am-1.00pm
Apply Today and Explore Excellent Holistic Education With Us!
Thank you.
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- Tobias Mugume By
My name is Hamis Ssewagudde Mukasa, born and raised in Kampala, Uganda. I am a Computer Engineer (Punjab Technical University – India) by profession. I am currently a Sales and Marketing Executive at Namu Enterprises Limited, a business supplying and installing electrical materials ranging from domestic to industrial needs like conduits, electric cables, switches, sockets, stabilizers, lights, bulbs and fittings. I am also a real estate manager where I am tasked with managing a chain of real estate properties around Kampala which is something I am extremely passionate about. I am also a member at the Lugogo Tennis Club where I spend at least one or two evenings in a week playing my favorite sport.
I joined Greenhill Academy in 1996 in Primary One. Back then, the school was made up of just a few hut-shaped structures on the upper part of the Kibuli Campus. It was my Grandfather’s proposal to join the school after coming back from Dar es salaam where I had enjoyed a lot of Scouting Activities during my school times there.
Little did I know that it was going to be a life changing experience for me… Greenhill was a place that harbored many cultures and races and aimed at grooming a well-rounded individual (I’m sure they still do).
“Milk tea” we used to call it, was a custom at break time and was always served with a bun. Those were very nice buns supplied by Hot Loaf Bakery and milk from JESA farm; which places we eventually visited during our school trips. I did not like milk and the most captivating part of my break time was having to go the sick bay and get the black tea there. This made me create a special bond with the nurse since she was the one who served it. I can never forget her kind and warm nature every time I approached her.
Greenhill Academy was popular for its excellence in academics and swimming, where swimming was my biggest challenge while there. I dreaded the swimming days for sure and never wanted to look at the bus while it made its turn into the school gate and eventually Hotel International Muyenga, Silver Springs Hotel and at times Makerere University swimming pool. However, for a Greenhiller, it was a must to know how to swim and as I grew up, I came to appreciate the need for one to have this important survival skill.
I learned the ethics of keeping time at Greenhill Academy where I eventually became a time keeper. I remember learning more about time and its value on the job. A case in point was when I sounded the bell for change of lessons at the wrong time and a teacher found me. She told me, “Are you sure you have rung the bell at the right time?” I told her, “I’m sorry I’m late to ring it but I thought I should ring it anyway.” She told me, “If you can’t sound the bell on time then please don’t sound it all.” I learnt a very big lesson there.
My most fond memories at Greenhill were the Thursdays, when we had societies/clubs. They were so involving and we loved them – I was a scout myself, something I still love to date.
The lessons (safe to call them virtues) that I continue to carry throughout my career and life from Greenhill include time keeping, being articulate in presenting yourself, being social and above all the importance of a HIGH quality education which I hope to instill in my own children.
Long live Mrs. Maraka, long live Mrs. Wambuzi, long Live Mrs. Mdoe – the memories live on.
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- Tobias Mugume By
The Greenhill Academy Old Students’ Association set out to interact with the continuing students as part of the Silver Jubilee activities scheduled during the Greenhill Academy Old Students' Annual General Meeting held in January this year. This event run from Saturday 17th August, 2019 to Tuesday 20th August, 2019.
The GHOSA Week 2019 officially began with the continuing students of the Secondary school competing with the old students in football and rugby matches. This exciting day was concluded with the continuing students winning the football match while, the old students won the rugby match.
The four day event was officially launched by the Chairperson Executive Committee of GHOSA, Mr. Jonathan Wynand Ssempa along with the Secondary school Head Teacher, Mr. Twesigawe Francis.
One of the most exciting programmes of the week was a mentorship programme on Sunday 18th August, where old students met the continuing students in their respective classes and shared life skills, dreams, goals and aspirations, learning styles and specific challenges faced by the present day students. It was an interactive session that inspired many students to challenge themselves to be better than they already are.
The Monday activities saw the GHOSA members showcasing talent at the school assembly, where a dance and a song were performed by Cedric & Cathie and; Daniel K. respectively. This assembly was further highlighted with a nostalgic speech made on behalf of GHOSA by Hamis Mukasa, where he passed on words of motivation to the students using his own experience got from Greenhill Academy.
The GHOSA members also met with the staff members later in the day, where feedback from the students during the mentorship programme was relayed and a path developed on how to approach the third term.
Tuesday 20th August brought the GHOSA Week ’19 to a climax as the old students competed with the continuing students via basketball and swimming, winning one each, respectively. The day was ceremoniously concluded with live performances from GHOSA recording artists, Papa T alias Tendo Nsubuga and Bob Tumusiime.
Throughout these events, we had many GHOSA members present showing love and support for the school while mingling with the continuing students and their former teachers. This activity fostered a medium of meaningful dialogue between GHOSA and the staff as well as, the continuing students; a platform which will ensure success of Greenhill Academy in the next 25 years leading to the Golden Jubilee.
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- Tobias Mugume By
On the 17th August 2019, all roads led to Greenhill Primary School- Buwaate for this year’s Greenhill Primary Schools’ Inter-campus Spelling Championship which attracted 96 pupils from Greenhill Academy Kibuli Primary and Greenhill Primary School Buwaate.
The competition which was initiated to encourage pupils to grow their vocabulary and use of the English language left the audience amazed as the pupils spelled words of different difficulty levels with ease. The participants who ranged from classes Pre-primary to P.7 exhibited mastery of the English language as they passed majority of the words given to them to spell.
The championship, graced by the Editor Rainbow Magazine- Daily Monitor Newspaper, Mrs. Lydia Ainomugisha as the Guest of Honor was quite entertaining with stiff competition exhibited between the pupils of the two campuses. In her speech, Mrs. Lydia thanked the parents in attendance for their support; the school administration for their commitment towards organizing the event and the pupils who with no doubt practiced a lot to prepare for the event. She concluded her remarks with encouraging the learners as well as, the audience of parents and staff to read widely and continue practicing their spellings as this is very important should one want to improve their vocabulary.
This exciting event came to an end with Buwaate Campus as the overall winner of this year’s Spelling Championship. Below are the detailed results of the competition:
Class |
Winner |
Pre-primary |
Kibuli Campus |
P.1 |
Kibuli Campus |
P.2 |
Buwaate Campus |
P.3 |
Buwaate Campus |
P.4 |
Buwaate Campus |
P.5 |
Kibuli Campus |
P.6 |
Buwaate Campus |
P.7 |
Buwaate Campus |
We would like to congratulate all our spellers of the day; we are extremely proud of you. We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to our Sponsors of the day; Fountain Publishers Limited, Aristoc Booklex Uganda, Enjuba Spelling Bee, Gustro Uganda Limited, Bank of Africa, MixaKids, Coca-cola Uganda and the Oasis Book Project for having made the day colorful.
Until next year; practice, practice, and practice you too can become the next Spelling Champion.
Extend Your Horizons.
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- Tobias Mugume By
Greenhill Academy Secondary was well represented at this year’s edition of the Federation of the East African Secondary Schools’ Association Championship with 12 swimmers from the school part of the Uganda National Swimming Team.
This stiff competition was concluded with the Ugandan team coming in 2nd place behind Kenya after beating Tanzania and Rwanda. We are very proud of our Greenhill Swimmers and the entire Ugandan team for raising the Ugandan Banner high. Below are details of the medals our swimmers won.
Namanya Ampaire
Gold - Relay
Silver - Relay
Silver - 50M Breast
Bronze - 200M
Chris Gregory
Silver - Relay
Daudi Ochieng
Bronze - Relay
Bronze - 50M Free
Kimuli Trevor
Silver - Relay
Silver - 50M Freestyle
Bronze - Relay
Bronze - 100M Freestyle.
Mulumba Michael
Bronze - 50M Back stroke.
Sasha Semaganda
Bronze - 50M Backstroke
Tendo Mariam
Silver - Relay
Bronze - 50M Free
Bronze - 50M Butterfly
Atto Esther
Silver - Relay
Silver - 50m Breast
Bronze - 50 Free
Karla Mugisha
Gold - 50M Free
Gold - 50M Breast
Gold - Relay
Silver - Relay
Bronze - 200M
Thank you for your commitment and dedication. You have made both Greenhill Academy and your country very proud.
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- Tobias Mugume By
At Greenhill Academy, we value the involvement of our parents in their children’s growth and development. One of the ways we encourage this involvement is through the Parents’ Assembly where parents showcase their music, dance and drama skills. We believe this motivates our learners to have confidence and the zeal to also put their skills and talents to work.
On the 16th of August 2019, our dear parents from Greenhill Academy Primary Kibuli left many of the pupils amazed with their energetic presentations in a breathtaking assembly themed the ‘The Potter’s Hand’. Through their different presentations, the parents passed on an important message; “Jesus Christ has crafted each and every one of us perfectly and according to his will”. We should, therefore, always seek Him in all aspects of our lives and use the different talents He has gifted us with.
As the assembly came to a close, there is no doubt the audience of pupils, parents, and staff was challenged to put to use their different talents to use.
Here are some pictures from this exciting assembly. Special thanks to our dear parents for their commitment and dedication. Thank you for taking the time to inspire us.

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- Thomas Bwijje By
On the 19th and 20th July 2019, all roads led to Greenhill Primary School Buwaate for the Annual Sports day events of the Nursery to P.2 Section and P.3 to P.7 Section respectively.
The Nursery to Primary two-section event was opened with an entertaining Zumba dance showcasing the young learners’ fitness. The event which attracted hundreds of parents some of whom were clad in their children’s house colors showcased a lot of creativity. From relays to the hankie race, scooter race bean bag balancing race; getting ready for play and school; obstacle race; going to the market, treasure hunt and so much more, the learners had a variety of games to compete in and showcase their sports skill.
This section’s sports competition was officiated by Mr. Jonathan Wynand Ssempa, an Old student of Greenhill Academy Primary and Secondary Schools and the Chairman Greenhill Academy Old Students’ Association (GHOSA). In his speech, Mr. Jonathan thanked the parents for the great commitment they exhibited towards supporting their children and urged them to encourage their children to keep growing their talents. He also encouraged the children to continue growing and developing their sports skills. This entertaining event ended with Orange House emerging winners with 205 Points; a tie in the 2nd position with Red House and Blue House both having 191 points; Purple House in the 3rd position with 182 points; Yellow House in the 5th position with 178 points and Green House in the 6th Position with 165 points.
The 20th of July 2019 constituted more creative races in which pupils from P.3 to P.7 competed. The ceremony which was officiated by Mrs. Nancy Kakuru, the Chairman Greenhill Academy Technical Board Committee who was amazed at the resilience and teamwork exhibited by the pupils during the races which included the skipping race, relays, tug of war, the royal race, basketball shooting, football shooting, hurdles, to mention but a few. This section’s competitions were concluded with Red House winning with 534 points; Yellow house in the 2nd place with 531 points; Purple House in the 3rd place with 342 points; Orange House in the 4th position with 330 points and; Blue House in the 5th position with 308 points and Green House in the 6th position with 299 points.
To all the pupils that took part in the competitions; you are all winners and we congratulate you. We also appreciate our sponsors of the day; DFCU bank, Sam’s Burgers, DSTV, Crown Beverages, Doctors’ Medical Center, Minet Insurance Company, Fafa Ice cream, Ultra Uganda Limited and Food Hub Uganda for having made the day a success. To our teachers and all the organizers, thank you for your hard work.
Keep extending your Horizons.